Money Manager Savings Account Additional Information
- Rate may change after account is opened.
- The Money Manager Savings account is an interest bearing account with a $2,500 minimum balance required to open account.
- A $10.00 service charge will be applied once per month if the balance drops below $2,500 at any time during the month.
- Members may make up to six withdrawals or transfers from their Money Manager Savings account per month.
- Dividends are compounded and credited monthly.
- Rates are subject to change at any time. Rate may change after account is opened.
Money Manager Plus Savings Account Additional Information
- Rate may change after account is opened.
- The Money Manager Plus Savings account is an interest bearing account with a $100,000 minimum balance required to open account.
- A $25.00 service charge will be applied once per month if the balance drops below $100,000 at any time during the month.
- Members may make up to six withdrawals or transfers from their Money Manager Savings account per month.
- Dividends are compounded and credited monthly.
- Rates are subject to change at any time. Rate may change after account is opened.
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