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UMassFive Board Member Julius Lewis Earns 2022 Social Justice Award for Entrepreneurship

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UMassFive is proud to announce that Board Member Julius Lewis was recently honored with the 2022 Social Justice Award for Entrepreneurship at the 5th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Family Services Social Justice Awards Celebration. The virtual event took place on April 23 to honor the 2022 recipients, as well as to celebrate and honor the life and legacy of the late Ronn Johnson.

Lewis, and his radio co-partner, Tom Morrow, received the award for their efforts to promote financial literacy to the greater Springfield Community, specifically through their radio show: The Lewis & Morrow Financial Hour. The radio show broadcasts weekly on WTCC FM 90.7 on Wednesday’s from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.

“It is quite clear that Julius and Tom share an enthusiasm for helping educate people on financial matters,” said Rich Kump, UMassFive President & CEO. “Their passion for empowering people in their financial lives, and supporting our local community, speaks to their character. Particularly with Julius, it is inspiring to have people on the UMassFive Board who truly embody our mission.”

Following receipt of their award, Lewis and Morrow wasted no time in continuing to provide support for the local community. Raising funds from UMassFive, as well as from several local businesses, the duo recently provided a check for $5,500 to the South End Community Center. Springfield Mayor Dominic J. Sarno, Mayoral Aide Lavar Click-Bruce, and South End Community Center Executive Wesley Jackson joined Lewis and Morrow, as well as UMassFive President & CEO Rich Kump, for the special check presentation on April 29.

Check Presentation